See also:
- Sharing data between actors, effects and abilities
- How to check when a specific ability ended
- AbilitySystemComponent
For player controllers and pawns
See Pawns and characters using GAS
Other useful setup
This is optional but can make working with custom abilities etc. a bit simpler.
In DefaultGame.ini
you can override UAbilitySystemGlobals
with a custom class:
A custom ability system globals class can create a custom actor info:
FGameplayAbilityActorInfo* UBillysAbilitySystemGlobals::AllocAbilityActorInfo() const
return new FBillysGameplayAbilityActorInfo();
The actor info class can provide any kinds of custom fields:
void FBillysGameplayAbilityActorInfo::InitFromActor(AActor* InOwnerActor, AActor* InAvatarActor, UAbilitySystemComponent* InAbilitySystemComponent)
Super::InitFromActor(InOwnerActor, InAvatarActor, InAbilitySystemComponent);
NPCCharacter = Cast<ANPCCharacterBase>(InAvatarActor);
PlayerCharacter = Cast<ABillysCharacterBase>(InAvatarActor);
void FBillysGameplayAbilityActorInfo::ClearActorInfo()
NPCCharacter = nullptr;
PlayerCharacter = nullptr;
A custom ability base class can easily access it like so:
ANPCCharacterBase* UBillysGameplayAbility::GetNPCCharacterFromActorInfo() const
const FBillysGameplayAbilityActorInfo* Info = GetBillysActorInfo(CurrentActorInfo);
return nullptr;
return Info->NPCCharacter.Get();
const FBillysGameplayAbilityActorInfo* UBillysGameplayAbility::GetBillysActorInfo(const FGameplayAbilityActorInfo* Info) const
return static_cast<const FBillysGameplayAbilityActorInfo*>(Info);