Common issues

Sight is unreliable, or doesn’t detect things when it should

  • Any meshes, actors or other things with collision settings can block line of sight tests done by AISense Sight. If you have any attached to your actors, try turning off their collisions.
  • AI movement sometimes turns rapidly, which can cause the AI to lose line of sight momentarily. This can cause problems if your logic is set to do something when line of sight is lost. You can try using a timer or using the forget settings to alleviate this issue, or increase the sight radius when a target is spotted.

AI doesn’t react immediately, sight seems to have lag

  • This occurs when you are hitting the timeslicing limits of the AI Perception System. This is typically caused by having too many actors that can be perceived. This can usually be fixed by implementing Perception Detection by Affiliation. You can also increase the allowed time that can be used by the perception system, but this may negatively affect your overall framerate.